



INITIAL ACTION:  Determine which seat is running away. During the stress of routine operations, it is possible to mistake which seat is running away.  EXAMPLE:  If Captains seat is out of control forward, it shall appear to the Capt. that the First Officer is running backwards.  This is a common form of special disorientation and will only last until the Capt. is emasculated on the control column.  Do not disengage the autopilot at this time as a violent pitch down will result.  In order to determine which seat is the runaway, suggested procedure is to awaken the Flight Engineer for trouble shooting.


SILENCE AURAL WARNINGS:  With the advent of a runaway seat, crew members describe noises of a low rumbling nature followed by the words, "Jesus, my seat is out of control" followed by a piercing scream of increasing intensity and pitch, especially in cases of forward runaways.  As in all emergencies and in order to comply

with flight operation standardization, the First Officer will silence the aural warnings by clamping a hand over the Captain's mouth and advises, "Captain's Mouth - SHUT, SHUT."  From this point on, refer to the check list, located on the underside of the Captain's seat cushion.


JAMMED BALLS:  Should the seat runaway in the forward mode, the ball bearings will interlock and jam the seat when it is 4 inches from the control panel.  The seat will then be stuck in the forward position and travel no further forward, but begin traveling up in a vertical mode.  The Captain will advise crew, "I have jammed Balls", Flight Engineer will immediately refer to the Captain JAMMED BALLS CHECK LIST located in the aft lavatory. It is imperative that the crew check for control column damage at this time.  If the control column is broken, the crew will advise dispatch that the Captain has a broken stick and jammed balls.


CIRCUIT BREAKER-PULL, PULL:  The Engineer at this time will pull the appropriate C.B. to prevent the seat from running up further in the vertical mode which could cause the bearing to overheat and possibly result in a Ball Burst. This would necessitate use of the BROKEN BALLS Check List. Since the Engineer can rarely find the correct C.B., it is suggested that any C.B. be picked at random and pulled so as not to delay completion of the check list.  Example:  Pull V.G. #1, Captain's position will prevent him from cross checking this step.


FIRE CHECK-CHECK:  When the seat bearings jam and stop forward seat travel, the electric motor may short out and start a fire under the Captain, resulting in a Captain's lower aft body overheat.  The Engineer will advise the Captain of the fire, to which the Captain, will reply "Fire, my ass."


SEAT UP-UP:  Should the seat continue to runaway in the vertical mode, the First Officer will advise, "Seat, Up, Up," to which the Captain will reply "Mblxjrmen crammby". Captain's reply will vary with height to which his seat has risen.  It is suggested procedure to place a pillow on the Captain's head and land at the nearest suitable airport.


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