This curriculum targets a group of people within the faith community who are developmentally challenged.  It advocates a non-inclusive setting for the first hour of Bible study and activity followed by active participation (mainstreaming) in the regular Sunday morning worship service.  At the time of worship, some of the group will participate as ushers and greeters while other members will sit with those in the congregation who have volunteered to be their mentors.


The curriculum includes Bible passages as well as activities and suggestions for daily application for developmentally challenged adults.  A brief description of techniques used follows:


1.                   The puppets referred to throughout this material can be made by the staff using broom sticks, large Styrofoam balls, scraps of felt, burlap and yarn.  Use felt marking pens for facial features and wire to form the arms and hands.  These puppets are easily handled and manipulated by the students for dramatizations of the lessons.


            2.         Suggested song titles are found within the text.


3.         Props, costumes and backdrops may be made from used materials at hand.


4.                  Volunteers who work with the members of the class should have some training in the needs of the developmentally challenged adult.