Employee Performance Appraisal   


            |Always      |Often       |Sometimes   |            |

            |Exceeds     |Exceeds     |Exceeds     |Meets       |Needs

Area        |Requirements|Requirements|Requirements|Requirements|to Improve


Work Quality|Leaps tall  |Leaps tall  |Leaps short |Often bumps |Unable to

            |buildings   |buildings   |buildings   |into        |identify

            |in a single |with a      |when        |buildings   |buildings

            |bound       |running     |prodded     |            |

            |            |start       |            |            |


Promptness  |Faster than |As fast as  |Would you   |Frequently  |Wounded self

            |a speeding  |most        |believe a   |misfires    |with gun

            |bullet      |bullets     |slow bullet?|            |last week


Adaptability|Walks on    |Keeps head  |Washes with |Drinks water|Passes water

            |water       |above water |water       |            |under stress

            |            |under stress|            |            |           


Communica-  |Talks with  |Speaks to   |Talks to    |Argues with |Loses

tions       |God         |Angels      |self        |self        |Arguments

            |            |            |            |            |with self


Safety and  |20 years on |Missed a    |Broken leg  |Broke       |Burnt the

health      |the job -   |couple days |several     |manager's   |plant down

            |never sick  |once        |years ago   |leg recently|yesterday


Courtesy    |Often seen  |Usually     |Confines    |Sometimes   |Kicks old

(male)      |helping     |assists     |attentions  |mistaken for|ladies when

            |little old  |younger     |to teen-    |a little old|nobody is

            |ladies      |ladies      |agers       |lady        |watching


Courtesy    |Respectful  |Respectful  |Sometimes   |E.R.A poster|Female

(female)    |of her      |of her      |picks up the|in her      |Chauvinist

            |elders      |elder       |check       |office      |Miss Piggy

            |            |managers    |            |            |


Speech      |Always clear|Sometimes   |Mumbles a   |Only we can |Usually too

            |and concise |lapses into |lot         |understand  |drunk to

            |            |jargon      |            |this person |talk


Sensitivity |Diplomatic  |Polite      |Blunt       |Tactless    |Offensive


Eating      |Dines with  |Partakes    |Munches out |Eats alone  |Feeds with

Habits      |the elite   |with his    |with the    |            |the animals

            |            |peers       |troops      |            |


Outside     |Active in   |Discusses   |Lives in the|Affairs     |Not allowed

Activities  |community   |community   |community   |discussed by|in town after

            |affairs     |affairs     |            |community   |sundown


Smoking     |Abstains    |Smokes Pipe,|Cigarettes  |Cigarettes  |Cigars in

            |            |outdoors    |            |in meetings |meetings


Reaction to |Takes arms  |Faces new   |Suffers in  |Throws up   |Throws up

Problems    |against a   |challenges  |quiet       |arms        |

            |sea of      |with        |            |            |

            |troubles    |resolution  |            |            |


Psychiatric |Well        |Adjusted    |Same as most|Delusions of|Catatonic

Evaluation  |adjusted    |            |of us       |adaquacy    |


Problem     |Superb      |Good at     |Can usually |Creates     |Is the

Solving     |problem     |finding a   |identify    |problems    |problem

Capability  |solver      |problem     |the problem |            |

            |            |solver      |            |            |


Programming |Excellent on|Good on many|Knows a     |Has heard of|Unable to

Ability     |all systems |systems and |system and a|either a    |use plumbing

            |and all     |some        |language    |system or a |system

            |languages   |languages   |            |language    |(engineer)


Engineering |Creative    |Has designed|Built an    |Usually     |Unable to

Ability     |designer of |sub systems |adapter once|recognizes  |use plumbing

            |systems     |            |            |a system, if|system

            |            |            |            |prompted    |(programmer)


Booze       |Tee totaller|A beer with |Social      |Drinks only |Generally

            |            |the group,  |drinker     |to steady   |too steady

            |            |on occasion |            |self        |to move


Well rounded|A new       |An old      |A person for|A person for|Unable to

            |renaissance |renaissance |all seasons |some seasons|understand

            |person      |person      |            |            |previous

            |            |            |            |            |columns


Sales       |Can sell    |Can sell    |Sold        |Answers     |Owns three

Ability     |refrigerator|real estate |newspapers  |mailings    |sets of

            |to an Eskimo|in Texas to |as a child  |from        |encyclopae-

            |            |Yankees     |            |insurance   |dias

            |            |            |            |agents      |


Mathematical|Contributes |Understands |No trouble  |Usually gets|Flunked long

Ability     |to  learned |calculus    |with algebra|fractions OK|division

            |journals    |            |            |            |


Career      |Promote now |Promote soon|Promote soon|Not ready   |Promote now

Ladder      |to          |to          |in same job |for         |to

            |management  |management  |            |promotion   |management


            |            |            |            |            |

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